Posted on 27th November, 2021Zizaran and the community will be partnering up with Shopify Rebellion to bring the next iteration of The Gauntlet starting December 10th at 8:00PM GMT! With likely the hardest Gauntlet in the last league we look ahead to SCOURGE! One of the deadliest league mechanics in a long time but also a patch where we get a lot of defensive quality of life as well as buffs. We have decided to go with some new mods to test our players. That's right GGG has added TWO new mods. Check below
Gauntlet is an in-game event where players compete and earn points by leveling characters, killing bosses and delving to see how all of the classes fare in some of Path of Exile's most difficult encounters. To add to the challenge, Gauntlet also has added modifiers. The event will take place as a Solo Self Found Hardcore Scourge Event League.
If you would like to help support the organization of these events you can buy a limited edition Gauntlet T-Shirt Here: https://shop.zizaran.com/
This time around we will also be doing LIVE CASTING on Zizaran's Twitch Channel! Octavian and BigSil will be teaming up to bring you daily Gauntlet Action! Kammell will be joining us on day 1 to bring extra insight in to the Gauntlet!
Prize Pool Crowdfunding
To help fund the Prize Pool we will be using Paypal Pools. Anyone can donate to the Prize Pool: Here
Shopify Rebellion will be matching ALL Donations to the Prize Pool. Up to $25000.
Random Draw:
Leveling your characters to certain levels can put you in random physical prize draws supplied by Shopify Rebellion! You can gain more than 1 ticket per account for the MTX / physical prizes below however, you cannot win more then ONE prize PER Category Below. GGG has also supplied over 9000 MTX at different level thresholds including a guaranteed Atlantis Mystery Box for reaching level 50!
SSFHC Scourge
League Mods:
- Monsters Fire 4 Additional Projectiles - New
- Unique Monsters have 80% Increased Life - New
- Monsters have 70% Increased Area of Effect
- Monsters have 20% More Life
- Monsters have 20% Increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
- Monsters deal 20% Increased Damage
Prize Pool:
Shopify Rebellion will be matching all donations to the prize pool. (Up to $25000)
The Total Prize Pool will be split as follows:
- The bounties placed by streamers and their communities during the fundraisers
- The prize pool minus bounties will be rewarded as follows:
- Rank 1 Overall: Gauntlet Trophy + 12% Bonus
- Rank 2 Overall: 4% Bonus
- Top Witch: 8%
- Second Witch: 4%
- Top Shadow: 8%
- Second Shadow: 4%
- Top Ranger: 8%
- Second Ranger: 4%
- Top Duelist: 8%
- Second Duelist: 4%
- Top Marauder: 8%
- Second Marauder: 4%
- Top Templar: 8%
- Second Templar: 4%
- Top Scion: 8%
- Second Scion: 4%
How to Join
This time, Grinding Gear Games has made Gauntlet an EVENT LEAGUE. So show GGG how much you love the event and make sure to participate. Just Log in, click Join in the bottom right of the character select screen and get grinding at the start of the event!
- Log in to Path of Exile
- On the day of the event, click join in the bottom right of your character select screen.
Remember to make sure to read the full rules and full information supplied HERE
Special Thank You To:
Shopify Rebellion: Event Partner
GGG: Providing the Event League, MTX Prizes, Demigods, Twitch Drops
NordVPN / ClearStart: Event Sponsors
BigSil / Octavian0 / Kammell: Event Casting
Faderon: Supplying https://poe-racing.com/
MrMadakey / GloriousBeard: League Moderator / Boss Submissions
Skryah & OMGitsJousis: Event Highlights
Viyro & Zizaran: Event Organization
Healz: Event Clipper
Prizing Eligibility:
Note: Cash prizes will be completely handled through Paypal. You will need to be able to receive money through Paypal to claim a cash prize. For physical prizes we will make every effort to get the prize to you but we reserve the right to substitute a prize for a prize of similar value for ANY reason at ANY time should there be difficulty. Keep in mind physical prizes will likely have a decent delay.